What do I have to do?
Icex is a web where we can find a lot of information about the country we want to research.
To do this, the first thing will be to enter the web with the button("web") that is at the start.
Upon entering, you see a list with a large number of countries.
To be able to find the country we want quickly we have to press [Ctrl+g] this will open a small search engine.
We'll put the country to look, e.g. (United States) and it'll go straight to that country, then we have to click on the country.
If everything goes well we will go to the next website.
On this page we have very useful information, we will analyze it!
If we go down we can appreciate
We can appreciate that there are both Procurement,
as well as Studies and reports,
we want to get a pdf with information about the country,
so we have to click on "Access to Studies & Reports".
We can appreciate that there are both Procurement, as well as Studies and reports, we want to get a pdf with information about the country, so we have to click on "Access to Studies & Reports".
Finally, we have to select about the topic and how we want to get the data.
Finally, we will have to press the search button.
After this step, we have to download the information in a.pdf file with the data that we have selected.
In this case, after the whole process, we get a.pdf with information about the regulatory framework for importing alcohol-free beverages into the US.