What do I have to do?


This website is used to find out the TARIC code of our product. Having the TARIC code we will be able to calculate export tariffs and other data of high interest. To obtain the TARIC code, we must click on [Browse Nomenclature] and then identify the sections. Depending on the type of product we have, it may be in one section or another.

To explore between sections we must click on them. The final goal is to find a code ej(0101300000), with which we can make queries later, on the access2maket website.



After obtaining the TARIC code, we must save this code, and then use it on the Access2market website. As can be seen in the images, the code we obtain is (4101900000). At the moment, the use of this website would already be finished, now it would be time to go to Access2Market, with the code you have obtained for your product.

Here I leave these 2 buttons to go directly to access2market and another button to go to the tutorial on how to use access2market.